gpa on resume

Should You Include Your GPA On Your Resume?: A Complete Guide In 2024

GPA is the abbreviation of the “grade point average.” It is a very important term in your academic journey. It shows your academic performance in a numerical form. Different scales can be used to calculate GPA. The most common are the 10-point scale and the 4-point scale. The 4-point scale is used in India, while the 10-point scale is used in the USA. 

GPA is a crucial factor when applying for a job. It can help you in passing the shortlisting phase. But sometimes, it doesn’t matter as well. So, when you are preparing your resume, then you may get confused about whether you should put in your GPA or not. Do you want to know if you should include your GPA on your resume? You need not to worry. In this simple article, I will be telling you in detail whether to put your GPA on your resume or not. Then what are you waiting for? Let’s begin the show!

What is GPA:

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GPA is an abbreviation of the “grades points average”. GPA is a popular method used for the students’ academic evaluation. In GPA, the academic achievements of a student are represented in numerical form. Different types of numerical scales are in use for GPA calculations in different countries and institutions. Usually it is measured on the scale of 4 points or 10 points. GPA is measured in high schools, colleges, and universities. It is a very crucial factor. It is because your GPA shows your performance in your degree. You can calculate your GPA by dividing the total credits earned by the total number of subjects.

Let’s suppose that you are done with your semester. And you took four courses this semester. These courses were

  1. English 
  2. Chemistry 
  3. Biology 
  4. Creative Writing 

You took these 4 subjects. And then you received the following credits for each course;

Subject Credits 
English 3.5
Creative Writing 3.5

Now you can easily calculate your GPA by following the above formula;

GPA = Total Credits / Total subjects

GPA = 4+3.5+3.5+4 / 4

GPA = 15 / 4  = 3.75

So your GPA will be 3.75 out of 4 in this semester.

Also we can calculate GPA From Percentage.

What is CGPA?

The term CGPA is the abbreviation of the “cumulative grade points average”.  CGPA is the overall academic record of your all semester at the end of your degree. So CGPA shows your performance in a specific degree program. Different types of CGPA scales are in use in different countries and different institutions. The most common scales are the 4 points and the 10 points CGPA scale. 

How to Calculate Your CGPA:

You can calculate your CGPA by dividing the sum of GPA of all semesters by the total number of semesters.

CGPA = Total GPA of all semesters / the numbers of all semesters 


Let us suppose there are 6 semesters in your degree program. And you have completed your degree with the following grades:

Semester 17
Semester 28
Semester 39
Semester 47
Semester 58
Semester 69

Now your CGPA will be;

CGPA = Total GPA of all semesters / the numbers of all semesters 

CGPA = 7+8+9+7+8+9 / 6

CGPA = 48 / 6

CGPA = 8.

So your CGPA will be 8 on the scale of 10.

Major GPA:

The major GPA shows your academic performance in the courses related to your major field. For instance, if you are having a degree in English Language and Literature. And you are having English Literature, English Linguistics and Maths in your semester. Then the GPA in the subjects of English Literature and English Linguistics will be your major GPA. 

How to Calculate Your Major GPA:

You can calculate your major GPA by dividing the total credits earned in the major subjects by the total number of the major subjects.

Major GPA = Total Credits in The Major Subjects / Total Major subjects


Let’s suppose that you have 3 subjects in your first semester. These courses are

  1. English Literature 
  2. English Linguistics 
  3. Maths 

Now the first two of them are your major subjects. And you have the following credits in each course;

Subject Credits 
English Literature 4
English Linguistics 3

Now you can calculate your major GPA by following the above formula;

Major GPA = Total Credits in The Major Subjects / Total Major subjects

Major GPA = 4+3 / 2

Major GPA = 7 / 2  = 3.5

So your Major GPA will be 3.5 out of 4 in this semester.

Understanding GPA and Its Importance:

Your GPA is a very important factor. It shows your academic performance in numbers form. It quantifies your performance. And shows whether you were good academically or not. A good GPA means that you were a brilliant student in your field. And a bad GPA is its inverse. So if you have a good GPA, then it can help you secure a better job.

Should You Include Your GPA on Resume?:

If you are crafting a resume for a job. Then, sometimes you are confused about whether you should put your GPA on it or not. Remember that this thing depends on several factors. These factors include;

Industry Standards: 

This factor depends on the industry standards as well. Some fields demand you to put your GPA on your resume. So that they can know your grades and guess your abilities and capabilities from that point on. This is often expected in fields like finance and consulting. So in some industries, they value GPA more. In other industries, however, it might be less important. You should keep the industry in mind. Then, decide whether you should put your GPA on your resume or not.

Experience Level: 

what is a major gpa

Many jobs require you to have a few years of experience. But if you are a recent graduate. Then you would have no experience. In this case, you should consider including your GPA on your resume . And this thing will increase your chances of selection. But if you are a more experienced professional. Then focus on putting in your work achievements and experience. And that’s what matters the most.

GPA Value:

To add your GPA to your resume or not depends on your GPA as well. Suppose you have a higher or good GPA. Then, you should include it in your resume. And this thing will increase the chances of you getting the job. A GPA of 3.5 or higher is considered a very good GPA. If your GPA is like that. You should put it on your resume. But if it is lower. Then you should jot put it into your resume if your GPA is less than 3. Then you should omit it from your resume, unless it is specifically requested.

Optimal Placement for GPA on Your Resume:

Now that you have decided to include your GPA to your resume. Then a question arises that where can you put your GPA on your resume?. If you are confused in where you can place it? Then the best place for putting in your GPA is the education section. You can put it in the following manner in your education section.

  • Education
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Oxford University, London 
  • GPA: 3.8

Highlighting Major GPA:

Your major GPA shows your academic performance in courses related to your major field. While your overall GPA indicates all of the courses you have taken in your semesters. Now if your major GPA is higher than your overall GPA. Then, you should include your major GPA on your resume. You can include it in the following manner;

  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  • Oxford University, London
  • Major GPA: 3.9

Academic Honors on Your Resume: 

If you have any honors like summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude. Then you should also include them in your resume. These awards make your position more strong for the job. Moreover, the employer also gives preference to those candidates who are having different honors in their academic degrees. Honors like summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude shows how good you are at your field. You should make sure that it is clear. And placed under your academic degree information. You can include it in your resume in the following manner;

  • Bachelor of Arts in History, 
  • Oxford University, London 
  • GPA 3.9
  • Summa Cum Laude

Addressing High School Information in Your Resume:

Should you put your high school name and grades on your resume? You can include your high school name and grades in your resume if you have not completed your higher education. And you want to make your resume look more strong. You can also put it into your resume. If it is particularly relevant to the job you are applying for. This thing will make your resume look more professional. But if you have a higher degree or a college degree. Then, you can omit your high school details from your resume.

Rounding Your GPA:

Can you round up your GPA on your resume? Yes, you can if there is a small difference between the digits. And you can round it up to one decimal. Moreover, you should round it up to the nearest possible number. For instance, if you want to round up 3.48 GPA. Then you can round it up to 3.5 GPA. But if you want to round up 3.42 GPA. Then you can not round it up to the 3.5 GPA. You will have to round it down to 3.4 then. But you can not round up 3.99 to 4 GPA. It is because a 4 GPA portrays the ultimate excellence. And it is the most perfect GPA. So we can not match 3.97, 3.98 or 3.99 to 4.0 GPA.


GPA is a very important factor in your academic journey. A good GPA means that you are very good at your work. And when you are making a resume for a job. Then you should carefully decide whether or not to include your GPA into your resume or not. And you should consider your industry, your experience, and your GPA while deciding that if you are a recent graduate. And you have a strong GPA. Then you can include it into your resume because it will highlight your academic strength. You should also know about the best place where you can include your GPA. You should also know how to include your GPA, honors, and other academic achievements on your resume. If you master them all, then it will make your resume as compelling as possible. Also try our CGPA to Percentage Calculator.


GPA stands for the grade points average.

In India, GPA is usually calculated at a scale of 10 points. 

Yes. 3.75 is a very good GPA. It is above average. And you should include it in your resume if you are a recent graduate.

Your major GPA portrays your academic performance in courses associated to your major field.

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