CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Select the grading scale and enter your CGPA to calculate the percentage.

What is CGPA?

what is cgpa

What is Percentage?

In percentage , we express a number as a fraction of 100. The symbol of percentage is “%”. Percentage gives you your average result. And you can easily understand your performance by converting your CGPA to percentage. You can calculate your percentage by adding your marks and dividing them by the total marks. Then multiply what you got by 100. The formula of percentage is

Percentage = (Obtained Marks ÷Total Marks) × 100.

If you have the following marks in your semester. Then your percentage will be;

SubjectMarks ObtainedTotal Marks
Creative Writing70100

Percentage % = (Obtained Marks ÷Total Marks) × 100.
Percentage % = (330/400) × 100
= 82.5%.

So your percentage in this semester will be 82.5.

How to calculate CGPA?


CourseGradeGrade PointCreditsQuality Points
Course: 1A4.0 312
Course: 2B3.0412
Course: 3A-3.7311.1
  • Total Quality Points: 35.1
  • Total Credits: 10

CGPA Calculation:

  • CGPA = Total Quality Points / Total Credits = 35.1 / 10 = 3.51
cgpa to percentage calculator

How to calculate CGPA Into Percentage?


How to convert CGPA to Percentage for engineering, medical, and general:

Conversion Table for CGPA Grading System

The conversion process of CGPA to Percentage is the same for engineering, medical and general. Multiply the CGPA with 9.5. And you will get your percentage.

A conversion table of 10 points scale CGPA to percentage is given below:

A conversion table for the 4 points CGPA scale is given below:

A conversion table of 5 points scale CGPA to percentage is given below:

How To Use CGPA to Percentage Converter?

If you want to convert your CGPA to percentage. Then you can use our CGPA as a percentage converter for this purpose. It is super easy to use. And you will haven’t to do any manual calculations. You can use our CGPA to percentage converter by following these simple steps;

Enter Your CGPA:

First of all, you will have to insert your CGPA to our converter. Put the CGPA you want to convert into percentage in the desired box.

cgpa convert to percentage

Select Scale:

Now you will have to select the scale of your CGPA. You can select 10 points, 04 or 05 points as per your CGPA scale.

cgpa to percentage convert

Click On the Convert Button:

Now click on the convert button. Our app will do some processing. And you will have your percentage in your front in a few seconds. Use our CGPA to percentage converter. And you will love it.

cgpa into percentage calculator

Differentiating CGPA and GPA

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)

GPA (Grade Point Average)

How to improve cgpa? 

cgpa progress e1708837744496

Regular Classes

Hard Work and concentration pays off




It’s a tool that changes your CGPA into a percentage.

The calculator uses a formula to turn your CGPA into a percentage.

You need your CGPA and the scale it’s on.

Yes, but check with your institution for any specific rules.

Yes, if you know the scale your CGPA is based on.

Often, it’s 

Percentage =(CGPA/Total CGPA)×100

Percentage=(CGPA/Total CGPA)×100, but it can vary.

Percentage=(CGPA/Total CGPA)×100, but it can vary.

Some places ask for percentages instead of CGPA.

The process is the same, but CGPA covers more semesters.

Use the formula your institution recommends.