does gpa matter for jobs

Does GPA Matters For Jobs: If Yes then Why?

GPA is an abbreviation for the grade point average. GPA is very important. Because it portrays your academic achievements in numerical form. GPA is measured in different scales. The common scales are the 10 points and the 4 points scales. The 10 points scale is in use in India. While the 4 points scale is in use in the USA. GPA is a very important factor when you are applying for a job. Do you want to know that Does GPA matters for Jobs or not? Do not worry. In this simple article, I will be telling you in detail whether your GPA matters for a job or not. Then what are you waiting for?. Let’s begin the show!

What is GPA:

what's the best gpa you can have

GPA stands for the “grade points average”. GPA is a widely used method for the students’ academic assessment. In GPA, your academic performance is represented in numerical form. Different types of scales are in use for GPA calculation. These scales depend on your country and institution. In most countries, it is calculated on the scales of 4 points and 10 points. You can have different GPAs at your high school, college and university. 

GPA is a very important thing. It is because your GPA shows your academic achievements in your whole degree. You can measure your GPA by dividing the total credits you earned by the total number of subjects you were having. Calculate it. And it will show you how much you have learned in your field.

Why is GPA Important?

what is career gpa

Grade Point Average is a very important factor. And you can not ignore it when applying for a job. GPA shows your performance in your educational career. It is a numerical average of your achievements in your academic life. So your employer may look at your GPA as a proof of your dedication, intelligence, and your ability to handle challenging tasks. 

Now if you have a good or high GPA, then it means that you were a brilliant student. And you have a great understanding of your field. So you can show strong work ethics and a mastery of your subject matter in your job as well. In some jobs, your high GPA is a sign that you can handle the pressures of the job efficiently. And that thing can let you secure that job then. But it’s not the same for every job. Some employers may value your experience more than your GPA. And it is where GPA really doesn’t matter.

What GPA Matters the Most?

There are different types of GPAs. GPA is a numerical average of your one semester or a specific year. CGPA is a numerical average of your whole academic degree. And a major GPA is your credits average in your major subjects. And now you may be confused about which GPA actually matters while applying for a job. 

Generally your CGPA matters the most. But some employers may ask you to provide your major GPA as well. They will ask you for it especially if your major is in close relationship with the job.

Does GPA Matters For Jobs:

Are you still confused about whether or not GPA matters for jobs? The answer is both yes or no. There are some scenarios where your GPA can let you secure a higher paying job. While there are some situations where it doesn’t matter at all. Let’s have a look at both of these situations in detail.

Scenarios Where GPA matters:

Your GPA matters a lot in some scenarios. These situations include;

Some Jobs Fields Demands GPA: 

GPA is important in some job fields. It is because they demand you to have a higher GPA. So they do the screening as per your CGPA. These fields ask you to mention your GPA on your resume. They try to guess your abilities and capabilities from your GPA. This thing is common in job fields like finance, academia and consulting. The employers in these industries value your GPA more. If you are applying for any of these jobs. And you have a higher GPA. Then you have good chances of your selection.

If You Are A Recent Graduate: 

If you are a recent graduate. Then it is obvious that you will have no experience. In this situation, the employer will consider giving you the job due to your GPA. If you are having a good or higher GPA here. Then you have a good chance of securing that job. But if you have a low GPA. Then this thing can affect you negatively as well. So if you are securing a job for the first time. Then your GPA matters a lot.

Initial Screening: 

While your GPA may not secure you a job. But it can let you pass the initial screening phase. When an employer advertises a job. Then they receive a lot of applications. And it is not possible for them to give everyone a chance. So they screen out the applications. And select those who they think are able to tickle the job. And in this phase, most of the employers use GPA as the screening tool. So your high GPA can make your resume stand out in the initial review process. And you can have a better chance of securing the job.

Scenarios Where GPA Doesn’t Matter:

GPA is an important factor in your academic journey. But despite its importance. There are several situations where your GPA may not matter that much. These situations can be;

Jobs That Needs Practical Experience: 

Some jobs require you to be experienced. So that you can handle the job and job pressure effectively. For these jobs, the employer often values your practical experience more than your academic performance. You can have that experience from a real on field job. Or you can have it from Internships, volunteer work, and part-time jobs. You should gain as much experience as you can. And it will always make you secure higher paying jobs more than your GPA.

Job That Requires Specific Skill Sets: 

There are some jobs that demand you to have specific skills. And in these jobs your GPA doesn’t matter. These jobs are more from technical sectors. And employers there value your work skills, communication skills, and problem-solving capabilities more.

Personal Qualities: 

Some jobs not only require a high GPA. But also some personal qualities as well. They demand qualities like resilience, teamwork, and adaptability. And these qualities have nothing to do with your GPA. So if the employer finds out these qualities in you. Then you have a better chance of securing that job in spite of a low GPA.


If you are a recent graduate. Then you may be confused about whether GPA matters for the jobs?. The answer is both yes and no. GPA matters for a job when you apply for the first time. And you have no prior work experience. Some fields also require you to have a GPA on your resume. And if you have a high GPA. Then your GPA can help you pass the screening phase with ease. If you have a high GPA. It portrays that you are an intelligent, hardworking and capable candidate. So it can help you in securing a job. But it’s not the same everywhere. Some employers value practical experience, relevant skills, and personal qualities more. So you should focus on building a well-rounded profile. Make a resume that shows your strengths beyond your academic achievements. And no one can stop you from securing the job you want. Best of luck with your career. Want to calculate your CGPA from percentage try CGPA To Percentage Calculator.


Yes you can. And it can help you to get the job you are looking for.

The answer is both yes and no. Read out that article. And you will find your answer.

A GPA of 3.5 or more is considered to be a very good GPA.

In India, most of the institutions use the 10 points GPA scale.

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