disadvantages of group study

7 Disadvantages Of Group Study

disadvantages of group study

Lack of Concentration:

  • You should ban any conversation that is not related to the study session.
  • You should turn off your cell phones.
  • You can break the task and give small tasks to everyone. That thing will make the participant more focused.

Lack of Efficiency:

  • You should divide up the study sessions into reasonable durations. 
  • Break down the sessions into parts that are easily manageable. 
  • You can opt for peer tutoring and collaborative learning. In it, the fast learners will offer assistance and guidance to their peers. So that they may go through the process easily as well.

 Lack of Learning at Your Own Pace:

disadvantages of group discussion
  • You should introduce a culture of patience and empathy in your group.
  • You should encourage the learners to raise concerns about their preferred learning styles. 
  • You should increase your learning speed and concept capturing skills. So that you are never left behind.

Presence of Disputes and Conflicts:

  • You should introduce a culture of open communication in the group.
  • You should encourage conflict resolution inside your study group. 
  • You should encourage active listening and empathy among the group members. 

Unequal Participation and Contribution:

  • You should promote equal participation and collaboration in the group.
  • You should give everyone clear roles and responsibilities.
  • You should monitor each of the participant in the group.

Time Consuming:

disadvantages of working in a group
  • You should make time management strategies that suit every participant. 
  • You should have clear objectives for every study session. This thing will save your time.
  • You should not deviate from your timetable and objectives.

Different Learning Styles:

  • You should encourage active participation and collaboration among the group members.
  • You should use different study methods so that they can suit every participant.
  • You should allow every participant to progress with their pace and style.



Group study is beneficial but it can have some disadvantages as well.

Disadvantages of group study include Lack of concentration, lack of efficiency, lack of learning at your own pace, disputes and conflicts, unequal participation and contribution, time-consumption and different learning styles.

Group study is among the best study methods.

You can avoid distractions in group study by turning off your cellphone and avoid talking uselessly.

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